On January 11, 2022, the City of Bemidji and Northern Township met to discuss options for installing a wastewater system along the northwest side of Lake Bemidji. Five of the options presented by the City of the Bemidji involved annexation. One of the options did not involve annexation, but rather offered Northern Township the opportunity to install their own system and connect to the City of Bemidji’s existing system for a fee system to be established later.
Seeing the resident’s of Northern Township overwhelmingly rejected any form of further annexation of Northern Township properties from the City of Bemidji at a Township wide meeting on October 5, 2021, the Northern Township Board began efforts to secure funding for the project.
The following is the document the City of Bemidji presented on January 22, 2022.
Option number 5 is the one the Northern Town Board agreed to pursue.
To: Northern Township Board
From: Nathan Mathews, City Manager
Date: January 11, 2022
Re: Proposals for the extension of water and sewer to Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge
Thank you for the “Northern Township Cooperative Agreement Proposal” that we received at the January 4 joint meeting. The City of Bemidji, in response to your proposal would like to propose the following for your review and consideration:
1. The City of Bemidji extends municipal water and sewer to Ruttger’s through the Birchmont Beach Court roadway. Immediate annexation of all benefitting parcels.
a. The City would be responsible for all professional services, design, engineering, bidding, construction, financing, ownership and maintenance of the public infrastructure.
b. It is estimated that the connection fee for property owners (excluding Ruttger’s) will be $12,000.
c. The City would be willing to discuss an alternative and/or extended tax revenue sharing/payment system (e.g. more than a 5 year period).
2. The City of Bemidji extends municipal water and sewer to Ruttger’s through the Birchmont Beach Court roadway. Annexation upon connection.
a. The City would be responsible for all professional services, design, engineering, bidding, financing, construction, ownership and maintenance of the public infrastructure.
b. It is estimated that the connection fee for property owners (excluding Ruttger’s) will be $12,000.
3. The City of Bemidji extends municipal water and sewer to Ruttger’s by avoiding the Birchmont Beach Court roadway. Immediate “flag lot annexation” meaning the City will annex the CSAH 21 roadway and the Ruttger’s property itself.
a. The City would be responsible for all professional services, design, engineering,
bidding, construction, financing, ownership and maintenance of the public infrastructure.
b. The City will establish a connection fee for Ruttger’s.
c. Staff do not recommend this option due to the high cost for only one customer. Page 2
4. Ruttger’s constructs a private sanitary sewer force main system along CSAH 21 to the NW Landing. City allows this connection and requires an immediate “flag lot annexation” as previously described.
5. Northern Township constructs its own public water and sewer main system from the NW Landing up to Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge through Birchmont Beach Court.
a. Northern Township would be responsible for all professional services, design,
engineering, bidding, financing, construction, ownership and maintenance of the public infrastructure including fire hydrants, lift stations, etc.
b. The City of Bemidji will provide water/sewer to Northern township residents and allow connection of the Northern Township water/sanitary sewer mains at the North Woods Landing.
c. The City of Bemidji will establish a fee system for Northern Township residents for water and sewer.
6. Northern Township contributes $1.5m to the Greater Bemidji Joint Planning Board (JPB). The JPB creates a grant program that provides up to $15,000 to each property owner to upgrade their individual system to current standards.
a. Currently there are roughly 100 developed parcels in Phase 1 and 2.
b. Additionally, there are a number lakeside Township septic systems on the east side of Lake Bemidji.
Thank you for the consideration of our counter proposal.
Nathan Mathews City Manager
Bemidji City Council