NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, May 22, 2023, 6:00 PM. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.
PRESENT: Supervisors: Jess Frenzel, Chris Lahn, Mike Kelly, Gary Barnard, and Curt Blumhagen. Road Supervisor Tim Vigen and Clerk Mary Israelson. See sign in sheet for guests.
MINUTES: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Frenzel, to approve the minutes of the May 8, 2023 meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
S. Movil Lake Rd – Vigen had gotten a quote from Veit to clean the catch basins for $400/hr with a four (4) hour minimum. It was agreed to go ahead and have them do the needed work.
Sweeping – The County Hwy Dept had done the annual sweeping along S. Movil Lake Road.
Crack Filling – Vigen has asked for a quote for the proposed work.
Hamilton Park – A building contractor has put a supply of rafters on the road, so Vigen will check it out, since they must be moved!
Elliot Road – The City was going to oversee the chip seal work to be done this year, and then bill us for half the cost.
Maple Ridge Crt – A property owner has concerns about some washout that has happened along the road, and Vigen will loot at it.
Fairgrounds Road – The work to get Deeds signed for fee title on the proposed adjustments to the roadway are mostly complete. Concordia College owns a parcel that was involved and they are not asking for compensation for the small amount of property taken, but are asking for re-imbursment of the legal expense they incurred in the process. A motion was offered by Kelly, and seconded by Lahn, to pay the $2,500 legal expense in this instance. The motion carried unanimously.
Vacation of Jon Ave – Part of the process to re-align a portion of Fairgrounds Rd is to vacate the old portion of the platted road known as Jon Ave. Authority to vacate was given by the electors at the Annual Meeting, and a Public Hearing is the next step. It was agreed to conduct the hearing at 6:00 p.m. Monday, June 12th. Once that is done, the Deeds on the properties and the Order to Vacate will be recorded at the same time.
Wild Plum Road – Work continues as part of the process to get the needed right-of-way along the road in order to apply for improvement funds. Mark Fuller will start contacting the remaining property owners for the needed easements.
Tavistock Road/S. Movil Lake Road – The re-construction work is being completed, with the blacktopping to be the final step. Fuller has asked for a proposed date for the blacktopping.
Lahn reported on the meeting, with the following actions; 1) A re-zone on property owned by 1st National Bank, 2) Kummer Landfill site to be developed with a boat wrapping business, etc, and needed a PUD and SUV, 3) AT&T tower in Bardwell affected by the airport’s zoning, 4) Northern Store property to be re-zoned for coffee/ice cream shop. There was a question regarding having the JPB Attorney sit in on each of the meetings, and who authorized that expense.
Dissolution – Some work is being done to start the process of determining what needs to be done as it relates to the Comprehensive Plan, etc. The distribution of assets will need to be determined also.
The City of Bemidji has backed out of their offer to provide sewer/water extension services to the township without annexation, if the township constructed their own infrastructure. As a result of this unfortunate decision, the next step is to investigate other options to provide wastewater treatment, possibly using a pond-type system, etc. Also looking at concerns associated with the installation and management of it, along with a wide-range of other concerns related to how to set it up, etc (sewer district?), and to determine if it is viable. Mark Fuller will be asked to put together a rough feasibility of costs, and the newly hired Administrator, Mark Borseth, will start working on getting information on some of these issues.
Birchmont Court – The stakes have been installed showing a 50 ft ROW throughout the road. It was agreed to send a letter and invite the property owners to a meeting on Monday, June 12, at 5:00 p.m. Mark Fuller, Freeberg & Grund, and Matt Murray, Murray Surveying, will also be asked to attend the meeting.
Exempt Permits – Fundraiser Raffles for Lumberjack Scramble Fundraiser at the Bemidji Town & Country Club: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approve the consent. The motion carried unanimously.
1)Burning restrictions have been lifted, 2) request for chloride to be placed on a ‘development’ road, 3) thank you letter from Support within Reach and, 4) Great River Rescue for contributions, 5) notice of annual meeting for Paul Bunyan Communications, 6) Membership Cards from the Minnesota Assn of Townships.
Lawn Care – The new contractor has done the spring cleanup and some mowing. Johnson Const may need to re-do the landscaping around the new garage.
With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm.