NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, June 26, 2023, 6:00 PM. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.
PRESENT: Supervisors: Jess Frenzel, Chris Lahn, Mike Kelly, Gary Barnard, and Curt Blumhagen. Road Supervisor Tim Vigen and Clerk Mary Israelson. See sign in sheet for guests.
MINUTES: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approve the minutes of the June 12, 2023 meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
A couple Supervisors, along with Mark Fuller and Mark Borseth, held a preliminary meeting with reps from the local DNR Lands & Minerals Dept to start a conversation regarding the possibility of using the Section 36 School Trust property in Northern Township for a waste treatment system. It seems that there might be a possibility of leasing a portion of the property, if it would be determined that it is the highest and best use of the property according to an executive summary from the State. It was suggested by the reps that maps and a short explanation with valid key points endorsing this proposed use be put together for the appropriate source. Fuller, Borseth and Lahn will work on the task. Kelly also suggested that Mark Fuller be asked to try and determine what would be the next best location for a proposed system. Frenzel reported that he was contacted by former State Representative Rod Skoe, who is a resident of Northern Township, to meet to talk about some ideas that he has.
Trees – Lofgren Tree Service has been contacted to take care of some trees.
Patching – S&T Services has not been able to get hot mix for a while, but will be soon.
Elliot Road – The Clerk was asked to check on the status of the chip seal work.
Striping – Vigen will be looking at having some striping done where needed.
Wild Plum – The Clerk will check on the progress with the easements needed.
Birchmont Court – The meeting with the property owners was held and there has been no correspondence since. It was emphasized that a recorded ROW is needed, for proper road maintenance as well as aiding the property owners. Some thought will be put into how to proceed.
Fairgrounds Road – Fuller will be asked for a timeline on getting this road prepared when/if the application for LRIP funding becomes available. The Clerk reported that all the appropriate documents have been recorded.
Tavistock Road/S. Movil Lake Road – Johnson Construction did some work on the driveways along the re-construction project, following a couple complaints from property owners. We are waiting for the blacktopping contractor (Mark Sand & Gravel) to complete the work, with the completion date being before school begins.
This group will be meeting more frequently than twice a year, and will meet tomorrow evening. The meeting is solely for the purpose of reviewing a Resolution supporting proposed amendments to MAT’s by-laws that have been submitted by Polk County.
Lahn reported that they denied an application for a cell phone tower near the regional airport property, and some interim language is being proposed for the Ordinance regarding this topic. A use permit was approved for an ice cream/coffee shop on the corner of the old Northern Store. The dissolution will be on the City of Bemidji Council’s agenda, following the letter that we sent with our plan to leave at the end of 2023. Jess will miss the July 12th meeting, and Kelly will attend in his place.
1)Thank You note from the Let’s Go Fishing organization for the contribution, 2) letter that Chairman Frenzel signed and sent to the Bemidji City Council regarding ending our relationship with the JPB effective December 31st of this year, 3) MAT email regarding the Review of Proposed Bylaw changes and Public Memorandum On the Proposed By-law Changes, 4) note from Joel Johnson indicating that he filled the holes in all driveways along the Tavistock and South Movil Lake Rd project, 5) email from resident along Tavistock Rd with concern about the end of her driveway, 6) telephone complaint regarding the thistle on the Schulke property along Sumac Road, and 7) request of follow-up with JPB office regarding a land use matter along Aspen Ave.
Thistle – The Clerk had receivved a call from a property owner along Sumac Road who hired someone to spray her property for Canadian Thistle (noxious weed), but the sprayer indicated that she will continue to have this problem unless Schulke also takes care of his weed problem. Another Notice will be sent to him.
Bathrooms – Kelly talked to Rod Beck, and the touch-less flush on the toilets has been fixed.
S. Movil Lake Road – Kelly reported that there needs to be some excavation done to repair the drainage issue involving the center-line pipes.
Mark Borseth – He will begin some work in the office during the week of July 17th, and will plan on starting to work on Monday and Friday’s. Frenzel and Lahn will meet with him on Thursday, July 6th.
With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 7:13 pm.