NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, September 25, 2023, 6:00 PM. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.
PRESENT: Supervisors: Jess Frenzel, Chris Lahn, Gary Barnard, Mike Kelly and Curt Blumhagen. Road Supervisor Tim Vigen, and Clerk Mary Israelson. Absent: Administrator Mark Borseth. See sign in sheet for guests.
MINUTES: A motion was offered by Kelly, and seconded by Blumhagen, to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2023 meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Frenzel reported that there had been a meeting with the DNR Area Supervisor and the land trust people at the state level regarding a possible lease of a portion of the Section 36 property. It appears that they are not interested in a lease of the property, but would be open to other options such as; public auction, trade, condemnation/transfer at fair market value, etc. Some more consideration will be given to these options, as well as financing options.
Tavistock/S. Movil Lake Road – The blacktop work was started with the 2nd lift scheduled to be done tomorrow. There were a couple of issues, so the engineers will be watching it over the next couple weeks.
Town Hall Road Stop Sign – A caller has concerns regarding the Stop sign at the Town Hall Road/Irvine Ave intersection. She feels that the roads have been improved to the point that it appears that Town Hall Road is one continuous road and fears that the sign isn’t visible enough heading west. It was agreed to ask the Engineer about it.
Wild Plum – Mark Borseth will work on putting the application to the State Park Road Improvement Account together. Everything seems to be coming together as it relates to the needed easements.
Fairgrounds Road – The letters of support are being requested to complete the process for application to the Local Road Improvement Project (LRIP) fund.
Lahn reported on the recent meeting regarding the Ordinance Amendment relating to Jail facility uses.
Dissolution Meeting – Kelly reported that the JPB office will accept cases until December 1st and they will be heard by the JPC, but will go to the proper entity’s Board for approval in January. Administrative cases will go to the JPB office until the end of the year. The staff will present a year-end financial balance report on December 15th, but Kelly feels that there must be some means of review and mediation if there are concerns. This group will meet again in November, and then the Agreement will be brought before each entity for approval. Also, Attorney Jason Kubousheck has agreed to work with us regarding any legal matters.
Land Use Planning – Borseth would like consideration made to purchase a computer program for completing diagrams for land use applications. He is also working on a draft revision to the existing Zoning Ordinance, and a meeting will be held next week to review it. It was suggested that the Board meet at 5:00 p.m. prior to an upcoming Board meeting to go over the draft Ordinance. Kelly asked that a report with an update on all land use cases, as well as the Ruttger’s non-compliance, be requested from the JPB office.
There is no report other than there was an Open House held at the Station #4 location on Winter Sumac Road.
1)Certified letter sent to MnDOT with the easement agreement relating to Wild Plum Rd, 2) email report from Mike Granlund regarding meeting with property owners involved with the Wild Plum Road proposed improvement plan, 3) notice sent to Pioneer regarding Planning Commission and Treasurer openings, 4) notice of Election equipment training and supply pickup for upcoming special Election, 5) Sample Ballots of Election, 6) Letter from County Administrator Tom Barry supporting the Fairgrounds Road LRIP application, 7) email from Jayme Klecker, who worked on the Waville Waste Treatment Plant improvement project, and is available if needed for help on the new project.
Birchmont Court – The information was sent to Attorney Jason Kubusheck and he will review it.
Treasurer Bonus – A motion was offered by Kelly, and seconded by Lahn, to approve a one-time performance bonus of $5,000.00 to long-time Treasurer Doug Kranich for his exemplary work over the past years. The motion was carried unanimously.
October 9th Legal Holiday – This day is Indigenous Peoples Day and the Board can decide to not observe it as a day off, which has been done. The regular meeting will be held that day.
With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 pm.