Whitehouse Press release: Press Release: Bill Signed: H.R. 4366 | The White House
On Saturday, March 9, 2024, the President signed into law:
H.R. 4366, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024,”
which provides in divisions A through F, full-year funding through September 30, 2024, for departments and agencies of the Federal Government covered by 6 of 12 appropriations bills. Division G includes extensions for existing authorities.Thank you to Leaders Schumer and McConnell, Senators Murray and Collins, Speaker Mike Johnson, Leader Jeffries, and Representatives Granger and DeLauro, for their leadership.
This brings Northern Township to a total of $6 Million in grants towards the Lake Bemidji wastewater project. By securing funding for this project, Northern Township can address vital infrastructure needs, safeguard a precious MN state natural resource, and support the region’s economic and recreational interests, all while realizing significant cost savings through strategic coordination with county construction plans.
The proposed sewer project will provide a long-term solution by connecting several key facilities, including Ruttger’s Birchmont Lodge resort, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Regional Headquarters, and Lake Bemidji State Park, to a reliable sanitary sewer system. This initiative will help protect Lake Bemidji from future degradation and ensure its preservation for generations to come.