Board Meeting Minutes – April 22, 2024

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Meeting Minutes

NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, April 22, 2024, Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN, 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Supervisors Jess Frenzel, Chris Lahn, Curt Blumhagen, Gary Barnard, and Mike Kelly. Administrator Mark Borseth, Road Supervisor Tim Vigen, and Clerk Mary Israelson. See sign in book for guests.

MINUTES: A motion was offered by Barnard, and seconded by Blumhagen, to approve the minutes of the April 8, 2024, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Beltrami Ironwood Investments is requesting the zoning classification for parcel #31.02732.00 be changed from (R-2) Suburban Residential to (R-4) Multiple Family and is consistent with adjacent zoning. Northern Township Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing on April 15, 2024, and is recommending approval of the application.

A motion was offered by Kelly, and seconded by Barnard, to accept the recommendation for approval of application Z-2024-0001. The motion carried unanimously.


Vigen reported that he is preparing for the repairing of pot-holes and crack filling.

Center Point – Some improvements to the cul-de-sac are being planned.

Docks – Vigen was asked to contact Johnson Construction about getting the docks in at the Beach Lane and Lake Movil accesses.


  • Borseth reported that the planning commission would like to consider putting conditions for farm animals back in the ordinance, as well as some tree preservation language. It was suggested to wait in order that some other amendments might be looked at also, so that it can all be done at once.
  • Engineer of Record – Freeberg & Grund has been operating as the designated engineering firm for some time, and it is suggested that an agreement or contract be implemented.
  • Ehlers, Inc, was suggested to do the work on the proposed financial debt handling for the wastewater treatment system. Borseth asked that they prepare a proposal.
  • Wild Plum construction project. It is hoped that the remaining two (2) easements will be received this week, so that the entire ROW width of 66 ft can be used throughout the project area. A meeting with the DNR will be held to possibly move the entrance into their parking lot adjacent to the site.
  • Fairgrounds Road LRIP project – a kick-off meeting is scheduled for Monday.


  • Letters were sent to the property owners adjacent to the proposed wastewater treatment plant site regarding their well information. Ehren and Brittany Inkel are present tonight and received one of those letters. They are very concerned about this matter, since they just recently built a new home on a property adjacent to the site. A meeting with the concerned property owners will be scheduled in the near future, to help with questions and concerns.
  • A hearing is scheduled before the House of Representatives next Wednesday for the bonding request, but nothing has been scheduled at this point with the Senate.
  • A MOU for Ruttger’s is being reviewed by Attorney Kubousheck, and then will be presented to them for their review.
  • Another meeting is scheduled to meet with the reps from Lake Bemidji State Park, to talk about a potential route for the collection line through their property.
  • Beltrami County did receive funding for Birchmont Beach Road and will prepare to start the road project in 2025.


The long-range planning meeting and regular quarterly meeting are both planned for Thursday. Kelly reported that they are looking at the contract renewal with the City of Bemidji, and also to some By-Law revisions.


Blumhagen and Barnard presented three (3) ideas that the architect proposed for the addition of office space in the town hall, with the extension of the building on the north side. Kelly feels that the addition should be to the east side of the building, and would like the architect to consider that concept.

Cemetery – A needed expansion will be looked at this summer, along with a review of the Cemetery Policy.


1) Copy of letter sent to property owners adjacent to the proposed wastewater treatment plant site, 2) email correspondence from adjacent property owner with concerns regarding the rezone request on Center Point Crt, 3) Letter from MnDOT regarding the State Park Road Account (SPRA) funding update of which $209,402.00 was awarded to the Wild Plum Lane project, 4) letter acknowledging our contribution to Greater Bemidji, 5) note from Beltrami County Highway Engineer regarding our share of $24,458.80 for the Elliot Road chip seal project to be done this summer (The City of Bemidji’s share is the same), 6) completed Access and Soil Boring Permit from Beltrami County for the proposed wastewater treatment plant site, 7) email from Brittany and Ehren Inkel regarding their concerns for the proposed wastewater treatment plant site.


ARPA – Frenzel would like to officially designate the remaining funds, which is required prior to the end of the year.

Chris Lahn Supervisor Seat – Due to Lahn accepting the position of full-time Administrator for Northern Township, he is resigning his seat on the Northern.

Township Board of Supervisors effective midnight April 28th. He will start his new job on April 29, 2024. A motion was offered by Barnard, and seconded by Kelly, to accept the resignation as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Vice-Chairman – Since Lahn held the Vice-Chairman position on the Board, Blumhagen offered a motion to nominate Kelly to the position, with Barnard seconding the motion. Kelly indicated that he did not care to take the position, and nominated Barnard for it, with Frenzel seconding that motion. Blumhagen rescinded his original motion, and Barnard the second. The motion to appoint Barnard as Vice-Chair carried unanimously.

Airport Zoning – the draft ordinance was just received today, and will be reviewed for the next meeting. It will also be sent to the Planning Commission for their review. Frenzel will check on the date of the next meeting of the Joint Airport Zoning Board (JAZB).

Salaries – A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approve salary increases as follows; Road Supervisor Vigen – 15%, and Deputy Clerk Dockendorf – 6%, both retro-active to the first of 2024. The motion carried unanimously.

With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.