Board Meeting Minutes – May 13, 2024

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Meeting Minutes, Uncategorized

NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, May 13, 2024. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.


PRESENT: Supervisors Jess Frenzel, Curt Blumhagen, Gary Barnard, and Mike Kelly. Administrator Chris Lahn, Engineer Mark Fuller of Freeberg & Grund, and Clerk Mary Israelson.

Contracts – Fuller has presented a contract for the work that has currently been approved for the proposed waste treatment system. It was reviewed and agreed that it will be signed by the Chairman. The original agreement that was made with Freeberg & Grund in 2010 was also reviewed.

Wild Plum Lane – This project involves State Park Road Account (SPRA) funds, so the plans will be submitted to the county engineer for review, and then to MnDot for their sign off. An alternate bid for shouldering will be added; 1) “North Dakota Sluff”, or 2) gravel.

Fairground Road – The plans for this project are approximately 85% complete, and Fuller will email a copy to the board members for their review. Local Road Improvement Project (LRIP) funds are to be used on this project and therefore, those guidelines will need to be met.

Center Point Court – After the structural issues were reviewed with the road subcommittee, it was suggested that the matter be left for now until there is a plan for possible future improvements to the road.

Wastewater Treatment Utility Project – The topo work from Beach Lane through Lavinia Road is being completed. There was a meeting held with reps from the Lake Bemidji State Park about a possible route through the park, and a work permit will be needed to complete the topo work there. A meeting was also held with the owner of Ruttger’s to go over a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that is being required by the MPCA for a long-term plan, and that is expected to be signed soon.

The regular meeting followed:

PRESENT: Supervisors Jess Frenzel, Curt Blumhagen, Gary Barnard, and Mike Kelly. Administrator Chris Lahn, Road Supervisor Tim Vigen, Treasurer Crystal Peterson, and Clerk Mary Israelson. See guest book for visitors.

MINUTES: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approve the minutes of the April 22, 2024, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Architect Matt Smith has been working on a design for a possible office space addition to the town hall and was present tonight. Kelly has strong feeling about shifting the design to extend out the west side of the current office space for various reasons, versus extending north. Therefore, Smith will work more on that design concept.


Lahn reviewed some of the items that he’s been working on;

  • Bills – He presented some information regarding the process for maintaining duel controls and the segregation of duties as it relates to processing payroll and other bills. Frenzel would like to consider doing payroll bi-weekly and the Clerk was asked to contact Bemidji Township about their process.
  • Complaint – A formal complaint was received involving a property on Aspen Ave with a lot of farm animals, and the fact that some of them are not confined to the owners property and wander onto neighboring property. Lahn had reviewed previous reports regarding this property, and that permits had been issued for the animals. Currently, our Ordinance does not address farm animals and will be reviewed when amendments are considered. This matter does seem to be a violation to the Nuisance Ordinance and a letter will be sent to the property owner indicating such.
  • TEAMS – Lahn asked that Mark Fuller be added to our micro-soft account for use of shared information.
  • Vacant Board Seat – With the resignation of Lahn required in order to take the administrator position, there is now a vacant seat on the board. There are three options that can be taken to fill the seat; 1) the current board can appoint someone to fill the seat until the next election, 2) the board can call for a special election to fill the seat, or 3) can wait until the next general election, which is in November with filing to begin July 30th and run for two weeks. The feeling is that it is best that the voters decide who fills the seat, and since the election is not far away, the seat will be left vacant until the election.
  • Planning Commission – will meet next Monday and will hear three (3) variance cases, which will then go before the Board of Adjustment (Board of Supervisors) for a final decision.


Vigen reported that the gravel roads have been graded and are in good shape.

Tree trimming/brushing – Vigen is looking at areas that need this work.

Road Tour – Consideration will be made to schedule it.

Country Club Road (north of CSAH #21) – This road’s blacktop is more than 20 years old and has areas that need repair, at the very least. It was suggested that Freeberg & Grund look at it for recommendations.


Frenzel reported that even though we received the draft of a new airport zoning ordinance just prior to the last meeting, they would still like a resolution of support from Northern Township. A motion was offered by Barnard, and seconded by Blumhagen, to approve the Resolution as presented.


A meeting was held with Sexton Ken Glidden at the site, to look at his recommendations for an addition as well as other matters. He is asking that someone replace him in this position that he has held for many years. There is a current plat for the remainder of the undeveloped portion of the cemetery property, but some thought needs to be put into it’s review in order to better accommodate burials. Lahn was asked to contact Matt Murray about the layout of the plat, and possible amendments to it. The board also asked to see the Cemetery Policy in order that it can be reviewed for some needed amendments, as well as some cost comparisons from other area cemeteries.


Blumhagen reported that the regular quarterly meeting was scheduled, but there was no quorum and the meeting was not held. This is becoming an issue! He noted that the animal control officer continues to be very busy with calls, as well as dealing with the ever increasing stray cat issue. The next regular meeting is scheduled for July.


Bills: Peterson reported that this month’s bills are payable with check numbers 11788 to 11812, totaling $108,865.24. The larger invoices were to; Freeberg & Grund Engineering for $77,189.75, mostly for work on the proposed wastewater treatment system, and to Johnson Construction for $7,189.75. Kelly questioned the Minnesota Benefit Assn (MBA) annual invoice for group health insurance, with the Clerk agreeing to send the board the information regarding the coverage. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, seconded by Barnard, and carried to pay the bills as presented.

Treasurer Report: Cash by Fund balances are; Revenue – $245,981.31, Road & Bridge – $976,257.46, RFA – $(102,532.80), Sewer District Waville – $7,294.01, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds – $228,562.37, and Sewer District Lake Bemidji – $(67,128.97), for a total of $1,288,433.38. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, seconded by Kelly, and carried, to approve the report as presented.

Certificates of Deposit: Peterson reported that there is $300,000 in CDs maturing, and after checking rates recommends that $200,000 be re-invested at Security Bank for 1 month at 4.6%. Consensus was given for approval.

Banking – Signatures on the checking account were updated with Security Bank.


BSU Alumni and Foundation – For fundraiser raffles at the Bemidji Town & Country Club; Nagle Memorial on July 12th and the Howe-Welle on August 23rd. Consensus to acknowledge the application as requested.

Beltrami County Ag Assn – For Bingo at the Beltrami County Fair. Consensus to acknowledge the application as requested.


1) Notice that the burning restrictions will end Monday, May 13th (today), 2) property value information from Beltrami County Assessor following their recent Board of Review meeting held for Northern Township, 3) copy of letter mailed to property owners within 350’ of the three variance application requests before the planning commission, 4) invite from the North Country Snowmobile Club’s for their annual appreciation dinner, 5) Notice of Beltrami County Officers To Be Filled at the State General Election, as well as the State Offices Filing Notice, 6) copy of the notice regarding the property owners information meeting held May 8th addressing the potential site for the waste treatment plant, and 7) First Quarter Report on the Waville Waste Treatment System from Advanced Utility Solutions.


Road Tour – It was suggested that the Planning Commission be invited to attend, so that land use items can also be included in the tour. Possible dates in June will be explored.

Next Regular Board of Supervisor Meeting – Due to the Legal Memorial Day Holiday on Monday, May 27th, it was agreed that the meeting will be held Tuesday, May 28th. Lahn will be on a vacation, but Borseth will be available to attend.

With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.