Northern Township

Wastewater Project Ordered

In November 2024, the Northern Township Board accepted a feasibility report for the Northern TownshipWastewater System Project and held a public hearing on December 9th. Following these steps, the projectwas officially ordered on December 23, 2024. This project order...

January 2025 Township Newsletter

The January 2025 Northern Township Newsletter can be accessed at the following link: We aim to have our newsletter out at least quarterly via email...

Wastewater Project Public Hearing Documents 12-9-24

Northern Township held is wastewater project public hearing at the Northern Town Hall on December 9, 2024. Here is a link to a video replay of the meeting. Below are the documents that were reviewed at the meeting. Northern Township Wastewater Project Feasibilty Final...

Follow Us On Facebook!

Northern Township is now on Facebook! Stay connected by following our page for updates on road construction, community projects, public meetings, and important announcements. This is your go-to spot for the latest news and events happening in our township. Don’t miss...