NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, June 10, 2024. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.
PRESENT: Supervisors Jess Frenzel, Curt Blumhagen, Gary Barnard, and Mike Kelly. Administrator Chris Lahn, Road Supervisor Tim Vigen, Treasurer Crystal Peterson, and Clerk Mary Israelson. See guest book for visitors.
MINUTES: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approve the minutes of the May 28, 2024, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
Janet Forte, was present to address concerns regarding the Cemetery. She has visited it recently and reported that the grass is long, there is garbage everywhere, and it seems that the rules regarding grave ornaments is quite loose. She felt that it was not a very peaceful site. It was agreed that the Cemetery Policy does need to be revised in order that there is more control over these items. There are rules in place regarding placing memorials around the Memorial Day Holiday, and sometimes causes problems for the mowers, especially this year with all of the rain we’ve received and how fast the grass is growing. However, it will be addressed.
Lahn reviewed some of the items that he’s been working on;
- ARPA – The remaining funds (@ $250,000.00) need to be designated or spent before the end of the year, in order that they are not lost. It is expected that they would be used on the proposed town hall building or upcoming road project.
- Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance – It is agreed that revisions should be made very soon, particularly addressing parking lot paving requirements in commercial areas. It is felt that the required surfaces should be; asphalt, bituminous, concrete or paving stones, and that Class 5 Gravel NOT be acceptable.
- Ordinance Revisions – Once these are ready, a Public Hearing will be held before the Planning Commission, and then their recommendations will go to the Town Board. There is to be two (2) readings of the revisions held by the Town Board.
- Town Hall proposed construction – Mark Borseth has worked on putting together some specs for an addition to the town hall, and once reviewed will send them out to some contractors. Kelly has met with HVAC and electrical contractors, and it appears that the existing furnace will handle the additional need. The electrical panel is at the maximum capacity, and will need to be updated at some point. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to allow Borseth to solicit quotes for the project until July 12th. The motion carried unanimously. At that time the quotes will be reviewed and a decision made on whether or not to proceed.
- Planning Report – A report of the permits issued was reviewed, with two (2) additional permits issued today. There are three (3) cases to be heard by the planning commission next week, including two (2) zoning amendments and one (1) conditional use application. Bemidji Iron and Recycling submitted an application for a new Condition Use Permit, so that will be scheduled for the July meeting.
- Cemetery – An accident involving a vehicle, and medical event with the driver, damaged an area of the Cemetery including the fence and several headstones. We are waiting for the accident report, but have been told that the driver did have insurance which should cover the repair costs. This will be a work-in-progress for a while until all of the pieces are worked out.
- Cemetery Expansion – It has been determined that there might be a way to re-plat the section of the cemetery that has not been developed, or re-arrange it. It was agreed to get a quote from Murray Surveying to re-mark and re-survey the existing property. Joel Johnson suggested that the trees be marked that should stay, so that a logger could remove the other trees soon. A motion was offered by Blumhagen to accept the quote by Johnson Construction for $17,416.00 to clear the new portion of the cemetery, and to use ARPA funds for it. The motion was seconded by Barnard, and carried unanimously. It was also agreed that the Cemetery Policy needs to be reviewed by the sub-committee in order to recommend changes to it, along with the increase in the plot prices.
- Road Tour – It was agreed that this will be held on Wednesday, June 26th starting at 3:00 p.m. at the Northern Town Hall.
- Work Session – It was agreed that a work session be scheduled for Monday, June 17th at 4:00 p.m., to review the proposed ordinances for the wastewater treatment system and assessment policy.
- Board Meeting – Will be scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on Monday, June 24th, in order to act on the re-zone and conditional use permit applications before the board that night, with the regular meeting to start immediately after or approximately 6:00 p.m.
- Bike Trail – A meeting was held with reps from Ruttger’s and Beltrami County to discuss the possibility of adding a bike path connection from Birchmont Beach Road through the Ruttger’s property, as part of the County’s road project there.
- Engineer – The RFPs for engineering services for the wastewater treatment project are being advertised, and a meeting is scheduled for July 1st to review them and select a firm.
Re-gravel – The work for this year is complete. The major portion of the project’s bill will be paid tonight, with the final paid next month.
Ditch Mowing – Kelm’s will start their work Saturday.
Fairgrounds Road – Kelly reported that the plans will be sent to MnDot soon for their sign-off.
Wild Plum – The plans have been signed off by the County Engineer and were sent to the DNR for their final approval.
Kelly reported that they are working on the amendments to the By-laws, and they will be ready for review by the township boards in early July.
Bills: Peterson reported that this month’s bills are payable with check numbers 11813 to 11845, totaling $112,226.84. The larger invoices were to; Freeberg & Grund Engineering – $45,289.82 mostly for work on the proposed wastewater treatment system, Lakes Concrete – $25,564.00 for gravel, and to Johnson Construction – $4,837.50. A motion was offered by Kelly, seconded by Blumhagen, and carried to pay the bills as presented.
Treasurer Report: Cash by Fund balances are; Revenue – $243,342.75, Road & Bridge – $938,929.89, RFA – $(102,532.80), Sewer District Waville – $5,439.85, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds – $228,562.37, and Sewer District Lake Bemidji – $(120,180.97), for a total of $1,193,561.09. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, seconded by Barnard, and carried, to approve the report as presented.
Certificates of Deposit: Peterson reported that there are five (5) CDs maturing, and after checking rates recommends the following; $150,000 be re-invested at First National Bank for 12 month at 4.36%, and the following be re-invested at Security Bank, $300,000 for 6 months at 4.5%, $250,000 for 90 days at 4.55%, and $100,000 for 90 days at 4.55%. Consensus was given for approval.
BHS Lumberjack Foundation – Fundraiser raffles at the Bemidji Town & Country Club for the Lumberjack Scramble on August 9th. Consensus to acknowledge the application as requested.
1) Notice from the State Demographer with the 2023 Population (3,833) and Household (1,466) Estimates, 2) request from Mn House District 2A Candidate Bidal Duran to attend the next board meeting, 3) notice of the Rural Development Section 504 Home Loan program, 4) information regarding Loop the Lake Festival and note that Country Club Road will be used as a traffic detour, 5) Membership Cards from Minnesota Association of Townships.
SPRA – A meeting will be held with Dave Schotzko, DNR Trails & Waterways, to discuss possible funding for road improvements to Lavinia Road.
Kelly asked that some discussion be held at the next meeting regarding the topic of incorporation, and when to begin the process.
With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.