by | Oct 4, 2022 | Meeting Minutes

NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, August 22, 2022. 6:00 p.m. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.

PRESENT: Chairman Jess Frenzel, and Supervisors Chris Lahn, Curt Blumhagen, Mike Kelly and Gary Barnard. Road Supervisor Tim Vigen, and Clerk Mary Israelson. See sign-in sheet for guests.

MINUTES: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Kelly, to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2022, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Jarrett Walton, is running for Beltrami County Sheriff, and wanted to introduce himself and give the Board some information about his background and experience.

Claire Zirnhelt, 11817 East Movil Lake Rd, is asking that the township repair the portion of the road north of S. Movil Lake Road that is blacktopped. This portion of the road is in very bad condition. He is also asking for some dust control on the portion north of this that is gravel. The Clerk noted that resident Gary Krohn was also in the office today asking for the same consideration. Kelly and Frenzel agreed that this is a concern and reported that the Board has approached this topic in the past with the understanding that when roads are repaired, that they are constructed to the proper engineering standards. In order that this be accomplished along this portion of road, the curves must be slightly straightened, and the affected property owners were not interested in providing the property needed. It is hoped that another attempt can be made with the two (2) property owners.

Donald Hunt, recently purchased a home along Ladyslipper Court, and asked about the maintenance of the road. It was noted that Ladyslipper Crt is plowed only to the corner that then turns north along a platted 20 ft alleyway. That portion would need to meet the township’s standards for a 66 ft. road right-of-way before the township would consider taking over the maintenance of it.

Steve Green, State Representative for District 02B, is seeking septic system data for Ruttger’s Resort and was told to contact the regional MPCA office for it. He was given a brief history of the issues related to the non-compliant wastewater treatments systems on the property.


Grading – Johnson will touch up the gravel roads this week.

Tavistock/S. Movil Lake Roads – Johnson Construction is hoping to begin the re-construction next week.

Crack Filling – This work was done by Pitch Black Sealcoating, and Vigen feels they did a good job.

Patch Work – There is a spot in the North Oaks development where the blade peeled up a portion of the blacktop, and needs to be repaired.

Noxious Weeds – There is some thistle that was to be mowed/sprayed, but the work is yet to be done.

Fairground Road – Vigen had received a complaint regarding the speed along this road and has been trying to get a traffic count. He believes that it has been unusually busy recently due to the construction work on Hwy 71. The road is posted 35 mph at both ends, which is the lowest speed that MnDot would likely recommend.

Wild Plum/Beach Lane – Barnard has done some research into a possible grant through the State Park Road Account, which provides funds for improvements to accesses to public waters. If an application were to be considered for reconstruction and blacktop of a portion of this road, the deadline for application would be November 1st. Some work will be done to look into gaining the proper ROW through this area.


Lahn reported that there was a case involving a property needing to repair rip-wrap along the shoreline, and a CUP for a car lot in the City that involved impervious surfaces, that were both approved.

There will be a joint meeting of the two LGU’s that will involve a review of the budget, and is tentatively scheduled for September 26th. After some discussion, it was agreed that there seems to be more dis-connection with the JPB organization as it relates to Northern Township being an equal member, and not being included in some discussions. Also, the final phase of the Orderly Annexation Agreement is now complete, with many of the time consuming planning cases now in the City’s jurisdiction. It was agreed that the township will present a letter with notice to separate from the organization, that will be effective on the last day of 2024, which is the requirement according to the Joint Powers Agreement.


Frenzel and Lahn will be meeting with Theresa Ebbenga and Erin Stodgell, from the DNR Regional Office, to give them an update of the status of the proposed sewer/water extension.


Blumhagen will be out of town, so Kelly will attend the meeting of the Long Range Planning Committee this Thursday at 7:00 a.m.


Garage – Kelly reported that the work is proceeding on the garage, and asked that permission be given to have some welded shelving for sign posts be done. He also asked that a progress check for $25,000.00 be issued to the contractor. A motion was then made by Kelly, and seconded by Blumhagen, to approve the recommendations, with it carrying unanimously.


1) Thank you note from Let’s Go Fishing for the contribution, 2) note from Mike Schulke that the thistle on his property had been mowed and sprayed, 3) follow-up letters mailed to property owners still needing to sign ROW easements for the S. Movil Lake/Tavistock Road project, 4) notice filed with Secretary of State Office for township supervisor

filings, 5) notice from JPB office that Al Steffen’s seat on the Planning Commission will be expiring, 6) notice of meeting with County Hwy Engineer Bruce Hasbargen regarding Birchmont Beach Road project, 7) notice of meeting with Northdale Oil owners regarding proposed revisions to Fairgrounds Road adjacent to their property, 8) notice of meeting with DNR regarding ROW easement on Elliot Road, 9) letter from property owners along Ladyslipper Court asking about road maintenance, 10) copy of notice advertising for Road Maintenance bids.


Filings – There are three seats on the Town Board that are expiring and there are three individuals filing for them; Gary Barnard, Mike Kelly, and Curt Blumhagen, who are currently holding the seats.

Acorn Ridge – Frenzel noted that he has talked with Mark Fuller about the blacktop work on a portion of this new road, where they were having problems with the paver and it barely met the requirements. It is suggested that this be accounted for during the three (3) year warranty period.

Bonding Request – It was agreed that a new bonding request be submitted with the State Legislature for 2024 for the sewer/water extension along the north end of Lake Bemidji. This will need to be completed by December, and Frenzel and Lahn will work on it. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approved the request. The motion carried unanimously.

With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.