Board Meeting Minutes – September 12, 2022

by | Oct 24, 2022 | Meeting Minutes

NORTHERN TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS – Monday, September 12, 2022. Northern Town Hall, 445 Town Hall Road NW, Bemidji, MN.

PRESENT: Supervisors Jess Frenzel, Curt Blumhagen, Gary Barnard, Mike Kelly and Chris Lahn. Treasurer Doug Kranich, Road Supervisor Tim Vigen, and Clerk Mary Israelson. See sign-in sheet for guests.

MINUTES: A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2022, meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Mark Fuller, attended to review some of the projects that he is involved with;

1) S. Movil Lake Road. There are three (3) properties that have not signed their ROW easements. A certified letter will be mailed to each asking that they complete it. Also, there is an in-operable vehicle and a boat in the ROW at 907 S. Movil Lake Road that Vigen agreed to help move. The absent owner of this property was asked to attend tonight’s meeting, as he emailed Fuller that he was not happy with the trees that were removed in the ROW.

2) Wedgewood Lane. There is a stretch of bituminous approximately 24’ wide and 115’ long (307 SY) that could be reclaimed for $614 while the other work is being done, with no additional mobilization costs. Fuller recommended that the work be added with no change order, and it was agreed.

3) Fairgrounds Road. Frenzel, Barnard, and Fuller, met with the owners of Northdale Oil to update them on the new concept of creating one entrance into the businesses to the west of the convenience store, among a few other things. They were quite receptive to the new ideas. The next step would be to authorize some survey work in order to proceed with a plan for whatever land swaps might be needed for the improvements. A motion was offered by Kelly, and seconded by Blumhagen, to authorize Murray Survey to do the work needed. The motion carried unanimously.

4) Bruce Hasbargen and Birchmont Beach Road. Frenzel, Lahn, and Fuller, met with the County Hwy Engineer to discuss the status of the future Birchmont Beach Road improvement project. The design work for the road has not begun and Hasbargen indicated that there is some flexibility with the start of the project, as long as there is potential of receiving funds for the sewer/water portion of the project. There appear to be too many unknowns at this point to start spending money on engineering and design. There was a motion by Barnard, and second by Lahn, to approve Freeberg & Grund, Inc. as the Engineer for this project for when it is agreed that the work should begin. The motion carried unanimously.

5) Wild Plum and Beach Lane. Some consideration has been made to prepare this area for improvements by applying for funds from the State Park Road Account, with a deadline of November 1st. The affected property owners have been contacted, but a couple of them have now left the area for the winter. It was then agreed that there are too many things to do before the application would be ready this year, and that it will be consideration again next summer.


Town Hall Parking Lot – It was agreed that since striping is going to be done, a seal coat should be done first. Vigen is working on getting quotes for the work, and was asked to talk with the JPB office to find out what the requirements for the striping are.

Brushing – Kelms will be doing this work in the next couple of weeks, and include the following roads; Rodeo, Fairgrounds, Vincent, Sumac, and Pond Roads.


The monthly meeting will take place this week. Planning Director Carlson will be asked to attend the next Board meeting to better explain the re-zone actions that are proposed for areas in the township, as well as other topics related to zoning.


A joint meeting with the City of Bemidji Council will be held on Monday, September 26th prior to the regular meeting. Budget approval, as well as topics related to the proposed sewer/water extension agreement and future JPB participation will be part of the discussion.


Kelly attended a Long Range Planning Committee in Blumhagen’s place, but there were only a few in attendance, so not much was accomplished.


Garage – Most of the work is complete, other than the electrical, furnace hookup, and landscaping.


Bills – Kranich presented the bills payable with check numbers 11269 to 11297. Kelly asked that the check to RB Enterprises be pulled due to the fact that the work on the garage is not complete, and suggested that a new check be issued for the total less $5,000.00. The new check #11298 will be issued for $24,933.88. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Lahn, to approve payment of the bills as amended totaling $53,898.20. The motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer Report – Cash by Fund balances are; Revenue – $280,121.24, Road & Bridge – $940,989.44, Rural Fire – $18,742.72, and Sewer District Waville – $18,163.06, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Federal COVID Relief funds – $291,361.73, for a total of $1,549,378.19. A motion was offered by Blumhagen, and seconded by Barnard, and carried, to approve the report as presented.

Certificates of Deposit – Kranich recommended that after this month’s bills are paid, $320,000 be re-invested for one (1) month at 1.75% interest, and $150,000.00 be placed in a one (1) year CD at 2.18% at Security Bank. Consensus was given to proceed as recommended.


  1. email from Compliance Inspector Melissa Fahrenbruch that she will be contacting Schulke in response to complaints about his compliance, 2) request from resident regarding installing a Stop sign, 3) request from Bruce Anspach for volunteers to join the Beltrami County AIS meetings, 4) copy of petition to dead end Birchmont Beach Road, 5) quote from Ness Sealcoat to sealcoat town hall parking lot, 6) email from Mark Fuller regarding a section of Wedgewood Crt that is deteriorating, 7) Memo from Attorney Jason Kuboushek regarding Incorporation.

Stop Sign – Vigen has installed a Stop sign at the intersection of North Country Lane and North Country Circle.

Petition – County Engineer Bruce Hasbargen received the following Petition; “We the undersigned request Northern Township consider making Birchmont Beach Rd NE a dead end at the Country Club Rd NE intersection. This would reduce traffic flow making it safer for walkers, runners, and bikers along Birchmont Beach Road. There is indication that this change would be more cost effective for Northern Township than widening the road.” The Petition is signed by eleven (11) residents and is quite confusing in that Birchmont Beach Road is NOT a township road. Any decisions regarding the road are not Northern Township’s and the township presently does not have any expenses related to the roadway.

Seal Coat – The quote from Ness Sealcoat to do the parking lot is $3,559.38 plus $6 per stripe and $75 per handicap spot. Vigen will get another quote and will hire the lower bidder.


Sewer/Water Extension – Kelly suggested that a committee be appointed to handle the issues that might come up with this potential project.

Incorporation – This topic will be placed on the Agenda for the next Board Meeting.

Elliot Road ROW Easement – A meeting was held with officials from the DNR, City of Bemidji, along with Kelly and Frenzel. The DNR has determined that there is appr 4.7 acres in the 33 ft of land along Section 36, and the land value is appr $2,200/acre. They have agreed that the old permit fee of $500 that was paid for the application be accepted in this case, versus the $2,000 that is now required. Also, there is no ROW easement on the east side of this section and it has been suggested that this be added to this same application. There is appr 3 acres of land affected along the Bass Lake Road side. So, the total that they are suggesting are appr $10,000 for the easement along Elliot Road, and appr $6,600 for the Big Bass Road portion. The City Engineer has indicated that he would approach the City Council with a request to share in the expense affecting Elliot Road. It was suggested that a letter be drafted by the Chair that would offer a proposal for an agreement at a reduced rate. It has been made very clear that Northern Township has no property owners affected by either side of this Section 36, and is only helping maintain and improve the roads to be a good steward and neighbor. The County has been contacted regarding the amount of PILT that is received on this property, and they were not able to provide that detail other than the total PILT that Northern Township receives each year is approximately $1,200.00. Kelly asked that they be contacted again with this request.

With no further business forthcoming, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.